There are two methods that you can use to identify who can authorise your expense claims as explained below.
Method 1
You would use this method to find out the details of who can normally authorise your expense claims. You should follow method 2 if you are bank staff member or your you want to establish of your claims have gone to different authorisers.
1. Select the My Access option in the Self Service menu
2. In the Who can section, in the dropdown lists select: 1 - Authorise; 2 - Expense Claims
3. This will load the table with the list of authorisers.
Note: on the left is your assignment that relates to the authoriser in the list on the right.
Method 2
a. Select the Expense Claims option in the Self Service menu
b. In the Submitted Claims section, click on the Submitted link that is in the Status column.
c. This will open a window that shows the current status, and will show the claim is "Pending authorisation by:", and then give a list of authorisers underneath.
Please note that if your organisation uses the two step approval process, an Authorised link may appear in the Status column. When you click on the Authorised link the window will show who has authorised the claim, and give a list of people under "Pending acceptance by:".