
Sometimes people consider they have more than one home address that they wish to use when making a mileage claim.  However, as far as the NHS terms and conditions are concerned you only have one principal place of residence, which is the address you normally use to commute to/from work.

Typical Scenarios

The following are the situations that have been raised by other staff with the interpretation of what would be considered as being the principal home address.

Using Partner's Home Address

Someone spends part of the week at their partner's home and wanted to use that as the home address for expense claims.  When this was investigated it was because the employee wanted a more favourable commuter adjustment to be applied.  The fact still remains that the partner's home was not the employee's principal residence.

My Home Moves Around

It turned out that the person lives on a narrow boat, and during the summer they would stay overnight in different locations.  While this scenario conjures up images of a narrow boat with a car strapped to the roof, the employee would still have a permanent mooring that would be their postal address.

Temporary Accommodation

A doctor's family home is 100 miles away, and the doctor is living in hospital residence during the week.  Again it is a case of looking at their main place of residence, which was the hospital accommodation.  In this particular case, the Trust changed the address type of the family home in ESR to Postal Address, and the hospital accommodation was designated as their home.

Further Questions

Should you have any further questions you should contact your local system administrator for advice.