
After the pay period for timesheets has been closed, it is no longer possible to enter/amend, or approve, the timesheet through the normal method.  Instead you need to use the Hours Claims facility to approve hours that relate to previous pay periods.

This article is aimed at managers who need to approve hours worked by their team members that have been processed through the Hours Claims facility.

Steps to Follow

1.    You will have received an email advising you that hours have been submitted for your approval through the Hours Claims facility in EASY.  Click on the Management menu, and then select the Hours Claims Option option.

2.    This will take you to the page where you will see the teams you have access to.  Click on the heading of the team for the person whose hours are to be approved, and then select their assignment.   

When you select a team, you will only see the people who have claims that have been submitted for approval.

3.    You will be taken to the Hours Claims overview page that shows where claims are within the data entry and approval processes. The claims awaiting your approval are in the Submitted Claims section.

4.    To select the rows that you wish to approve, either click on the tick box at the left side of the row or to select all the claims click on the tick box at the top left.  The rows selected will be highlighted.  Click on the Authorise button to approve the highlighted entries.

5.    That will result in the Declaration panel appearing.  Add a tick to the box to affirm the declaration, and then click on the Authorise button to approve the claims. 

Some organisations may require users to provide 3 characters from their security word, or a one time pass code, to complete the approval process.

6.    You will be returned to the Hours Claims Status page.  The team headings only appear when there are claims waiting to be approved for people within that team.  Otherwise, you will see the message "There are no accessible claims that match the current filter." at the top of the page.