Timesheets are accessed under the Management, Time and Attendance menu.
Note – Timesheets can be organised in many different ways such as cost codes, paypoints, organisations etc. depending on your organisations preferences. Throughout the guide the reference will be to organisation but this may not be the way your timesheets are organised, however the guide is the same irrespective of the way timesheets are organised.
When you select the Timesheets option you will be presented with the main navigation screen. What you see will depend on what access you have in the system You may only see one organisation or several depending on the organisations you are responsible for Authorising.
The first thing to check is that you are viewing the correct period. The period you are looking at is shown with the pay month, and the month end date and is usually the current month :-
In this case the period is data for Pay Month 1 (April) but relates to unsocial and overtime hours worked during March. In all cases although the basic pay relates to the current month, all unsocial and overtime is paid in arrears, so unsocial hours earned during August are paid in September with Septembers basic pay.
If the wrong period is showing then select the correct period from the drop down . This will display any open periods although normally there should only be one period open.
To view a previous period of timesheet entries you can select the looking glass which will enable you to select previous periods timesheets to view. Any period with the
cannot be changed.
When you are on the main timesheet navigation screen you will see all the organisations and assignments you are responsible for. To find an assignment (employee) quickly, you can select the button and enter the employees name and this will display the employees timesheet. You can do the same to locate an organisation using the
On the timesheet navigation screen you will see all the organisations you are responsible for and you can either see all the timesheets in an organisation by clicking on the blue header for that organisation, which will open up the paypoint and list the assignments, or you can view the which will list all the staff in that organisation, the status of the timesheet and any data so far entered and saved, or you can click on
which will open the data entry screen with the list of assignments on the left.
Timesheet Authorisation
The Main Timesheet navigation Menu gives you a number of different ways you can view the timesheet.
Normal View
By clicking the organisation header you will see each timesheet and the current status.
These should be at Submitted to enable authorisation to take place. You can view each timesheet by clicking on the assignment or take advantage of the other viewing options of Summary or Edit.
Summary View
By clicking the button you will see a summary of the data entered to the timesheet. This includes the total Enhancements & Overtime, Medical Claims, Emergency Cover and Additional Information. To check the actual data entered for any individual you can click on their name to see the entries made. Note that the additional information section will provide a list of any current open absences. You can filter the view to only see those who have entries or all timesheets by using the three buttons :
Edit View
By clicking the button the screen will open up the Edit screen.
The first thing you will see is a List of Names – This shows a complete list of all your staff names – note that anyone with the © sign against them has a continuous open absence. To move between staff you just click your mouse on the employee name.
You can authorise each timesheet individually by clicking the button, or of changes are required to the timesheet you can use the
button to return the timesheet to data entry.
Authorisation Choices
You several ways to authorise a timesheet. This can be done by authorising an individual timesheet at a time using the screen or once all timesheets are complete and checked you can authorise the whole organisation using the
view and selecting the
Whichever way you decide to authorise timesheets, once you select the authorise button you will be required to enter sample characters from your security word as shown below.
Once you have authorised a timesheet or group of timesheets, they will remain in the authorised state until they are processed for payroll after which they will be changed so that no further input is allowed. If the timesheet is showing as Authorised and you need to make changes you can do this by using the or
option until the timeaheets have been processed. It is important however that they are Authorised by the date provided for closedown by the organisation as the timesheets are required to authorise payment of staff.
In the even that it is later discovered a timesheet was submitted with incorrect hours or missed overtime it is possible if you have access to use the Hours Claims sectiuon to submit alterations if this is avaiable to you.
Important Note
When checking the timesheets the most important item to check is that there is no continued absence showing for a day that you wish to claim Enhancements and Overtime or Emergency Duties. For this reason always check your Summary, Additional Information to ensure any displayed absences are still valid.
Another check is to ensure that staff who are part time are only paid overtime when they exceed Full time grade hours. By payring overtime you not only pay them more than they are due but may also impact on the pension entitlement (only additional hours not overtime are added to the pensionable pay).