Time & Attendance – Self Service Allowance Claims
Self Service Allowance Claims is accessed under the Self Service, Time and Attendance menu.
If you have multiple roles you will need to select the assignment you wish to view / complete the Allowance Claims for.
On the main screen you will see several sections explained below.
Employee Information – This is the data held on the Employee Staff Record System including your name and National Insurance number, Assignment Number, Payscale & ESR Position, Contracted weekly Hours, and the Service dates.
Unsubmitted Claims – This section details any claim entered and saved but not yet submitted for payment. This is also where you make new entries (See Below).
Submitted Claims – This section details any claim submitted to the appropriate manager for authorisation.
Authorised Claims – This section details any claims Authorised for the current period but not yet passed for payment. Claims remin here until such time as they are processed for payment on the payroll at which time they move to the Recently Processed Claim section.
Rejected Claims – This section details any claim entered and submitted for authorisation but rejected by the appropriate manager. See Below for further details
Recently Processed Claims – This section will display the last 5 items processed, however you can also view all previously processed claims by selecting the date range to include claims you wish to view.
Allowance Claims – Making a Claim
To make a new claim you select the on the Unsubmitted Claims section. You will then have the claim entry screen presented.
To make a claim you will need to enter the required fields. The entries will differ depending on the allowance claim that is being entered.
The field requirements are :
Date – The date the claim refers to which can be entered in the normal date formats or by using the date picker icon.
Allowance Type – Select the appropriate claim type from those available in the list. The list will only show those claim items that you are able to make a claim for. If the item you are wanting to claim for is not displayed in the list then contact your System Administrator.
Ward / Department – This field will be greyed out, however if after selecting the Allowance Type the field has the icon then you should click on the magnifying glass and select the correct Ward / Department where the allowance type was earned.
Shift Times Start / End – If the claim item requires times to be entered then the Icon will show next to the Start / End times for you to make entries. Either enter the times or select from the clock icon and pick the time.
Reason – If this field is grey then no entry is required but if this field is white then you need to select the reason from the drop down list. You may also need to enter detail in the field below if that is not grey.
Claimed – Depending on the type of allowance being claimed this field will either require the number of claims, Number of hours or Sessions, or the amount being claimed. Invalid entries will show with the error and if you hover your cursor over this icon it will advise you of the error type. You will not be able to progress without correcting the entry. If you see a yellow warning this is a high value which will be accepted but is an indication that the amount is higher than expected.
Rate - If this field is grey then you are not able to make changes to the rate as it is fixed, however if the field is white then you are able to enter an override amount by deleting the current value and entering your own.
Payable – This will indicate the amount payable as a result of the previous input. This field is greyed out and cannot be changed.
Additional Information / Add Comment – The icon can be selected to add additional information if required relating to the allowance claim. Any comment added will be saved with the allowance claim and if entered the icon will change to
to indicate that the additional information has been added.
When you have made all entries click on the icon. This will save all items entered and provide and error messages if the data is not correctly entered. This will not however submit the claim for authorisation. To do this you need to select the
Remember to submit the items for authorisation at the agreed intervals to ensure payment on time.
Allowance Claims – Rejected Claim
If your claim item is rejected you will receive an e-mail advising you that the item has been rejected. You will have a limited time to deal with any rejection. The timescale normally depends on the length of time your organisation will allow for late claims to be made.
When you get a rejection e-mail log into you account to the Allowance claim main screen and under Rejected Claims you will see the claim item. It will have an explanation of why it has been rejected. To see the reason click on the at the far right of the item.
The choices you have are to the claim which will delete it from the database, or you can
the claim which will move it to the unsubmitted claims section for later editing, or finally you can select
which moves the item to the unsubmitted claims section and then opens the editing screen so you can make changes to the claim item.
Remember to select the item you wish to deal with and not to leave rejected items too long before you deal with them through one of the three options.