This article is intended as a quick step by step guide for bank staff who need to identify where, or for whom, they worked when expenses were incurred during a shift. This enables the expense claim to be targeted to the appropriate person to approve the claim and to charge the relevant budget.
Steps to Follow
1. Select Expenses Claims in the Self Service menu
2. Click on
button3. Complete fields before the Ward/Department/Manager field and then click on the
4. Enter the name of the supervisor, ward/department where you worked or the cost centre, and then click on the
buttonSearch Window - Version 1
Search Window - Version 2
5. Click on the Supervisor or Ward/Department link
Search Window - Version 1
Search Window - Version 2
6. Complete the rest of your expense claims and select the
button7. The claims appear in the Unsubmitted Claims section
What the Icons mean
Budget Code Amendment
Click on the icon to view details.
Click on the to view the details.