Table of Contents
After you have logged into EASY you are presented with the EASY Home Page. This page is the launch platform that enables you to access various areas of the system. Let's explore some appears of the features on this page. Some of the features will be available on all of the pages that you visit in the EASY System.
Site Name
The Site Name is located on the left-hand side of the banner at the top of the screen. Usually this has the name or initials of the NHS Organisation(s) for that occurrence of the EASY system. In the example below, the site name is "Demo Site".
Common Links
The Common Links are locate on the right-hand side of the banner at the top of the page or screen, and these appear on every page of the EASY System. The following image shows the Common Links that will typically appear in the banner.
In the table below, we will discuss what each link does and where it may take you.
Link | Description |
Username | Although not technically a link, at the very beginning of the common links either your first name or username will be shown. Where your first name is shown, when you hover over your name a small box appears that gives the username you have been allocated the EASY system.![]() |
My Preferences | This takes you to a page where you can set your personal preferences for particular features within EASY. For example, when you save a page a message box will appear at the top of the page and disappear after a short time.![]() |
Change password | Although the system will ask you to change your password from time to time, you can use the Change Password link to change your password sooner if you wish. When you click in the link you will be taken to another page where you can change you password. |
Log Out | |
Documentation ![]() | Selecting this link will take you to the system documentation or article for the page you are on in the system. The system documentation is maintained by Giltbyte, and we would welcome your feedback and suggestions. When you click on the Documentation link, the article will open in a new browser tab or window, as indicated by the ![]() |
The Breadcrumbs are located below the Site Name at the top left of the page. They show you the path you took to get to the page you are on, and provides you with a link as a shortcut back to any of the pages you visited at along the way. The following image shows the Breadcrumbs that lead to the new claims input page for expenses.
To get back to the Home page, you just click on the Home link in the breadcrumbs.
Menu Section
The Menu Section is located to the right of the screen, and it contains several individual menus. Some of the menus you will see are based on the activities that have been allocated to you in the EASY system, and other menus are common to everyone.
There may be times when you can only see the menu heading and the options available under that menu are not showing. That is because the menu has been collapsed, or rolled up, to conserve space. To see the options available, just click on the menu heading as shown in the animation below.
The menu may contain sections and subsections, as well as the menu items that you would select to open a page. Where a section or subsection is closed, you will need to click on the heading to see the menu items underneath.
We will now look at the menus, and some of the menu items, you are likely to encounter.
Self Service Menu
The Self Service menu contains the activities and options that apply to you personally, such as making a claim for any expenses you have incurred. You will only see the sections that your NHS organisation have chosen to implement, and where they have been allocated to you.
Expenses Section
This section contains any activities that are required for making expense claims. The table below gives a brief description of the menu items, or options, you are likely to encounter in the Expenses section.
Menu Option | Description |
Expense Claims | This will take you to the Expense Claims dashboard page where you can monitor the progress of your expense claims as they go through the different stages. On this page, you will also find an Add/Edit button that takes you to the input page where you can enter new claims or amend a claim that hasn't been submitted for approval. |
Favourite Places | Selecting this option will take you to a page where you can add or remove locations from you list of favourite places. A favourite place is somewhere you may visit on a regular basis, and having it in your list of favourite places will make it easier to complete your mileage related claims. |
Vehicles | This option will take you to the Vehicle dashboard where you can monitor your vehicle(s) and vehicle documents have been checked and approved. You would go to the Vehicle dashboard to add or amend vehicles or vehicle documents. |
Reports | The Reports subsection contains menu options for different reports you can run for mileage and other expense claims. Just click on the Reports subsection heading to show or hide the menu items underneath. |
Payslip/PAYE Section
This section enables you to view payslips or other PAYE documents that have been loaded to the system. The table below gives a brief description of the menu items, or options, you are likely to encounter in the Payslip/PAYE section.
Menu Option | Description |
Payslips | This will take you to a page where you can find and select a payslip to view and print. |
P60s | This will take you to a page where you can find and select a P60 to view and print. |
P11Ds | This will take you to a page where you can find and select a P11D to view and print. |
Time & Attendance Section
This section contains any activities that are related to claiming additional hours or allowances that you may have worked. There is a also a facility to make and monitor annual leave requests. The table below gives a brief description of the menu items, or options, you are likely to encounter in the Time & Attendance section.
Menu Option | Description |
Hours Claims | This will take you to the Hours Claims dashboard page where you can monitor the progress of claims you have made for additional hours worked. On this page, you will also find an Add/Edit button that takes you to the input page where you can enter new claims or amend a claim that hasn't been submitted for approval. |
Allowance Claims | This will take you to the Allowance Claims dashboard page where you can monitor the progress of claims you have made for additional allowances, such as on call allowances. On this page, you will also find an Add/Edit button that takes you to the input page where you can enter new claims or amend a claim that hasn't been submitted for approval. |
Timesheets | Selecting this option will take you to a page where you can complete a timesheet and submit it for approval. From this page you can look at past timesheet submissions, and check if your timesheet has been approved for payment. |
Leave Requests | This will take you to the Leaver Requests dashboard page where you can monitor the progress of your annual leave requests and whether they have been approved. On this page, you will also find an Add/Edit button that takes you to the input page where you can enter new annual leave requests or amend a request that hasn't been submitted for approval. |
Common Menu Items
At the bottom of the Self Service menu, there are menu items available that may relate to one or more of the sections mentioned above. The table below gives a brief description of these common menu items.
Menu Option | Description |
Documents | On the Documents page you can find and view documents that have been uploaded to the EASY system. |
Devices | You would go to this page to register, or remove, any mobile devices on which you have downloaded the EASY Companion App. |
My Access | On the My Access page you can discover what activities have been allocated to you in the EASY system. You can also find out who can sign off on any claims you have submitted for approval. If you are an approver, you would go to this page to delegate your activities to a colleague when you are on leave. |
Management Menu
The Management menu will only appear when you have been given an activity where you need access to other staff, such as authorising their claims. You will only see the sections that your NHS organisation have chosen to implement, and where they have been allocated to you.
Expenses Section
You will see this section where you have been allocated an activity related to approving expense claims or vehicles. The table below gives a brief description of the menu items, or options, you are likely to encounter in the Expenses section of the Management menu.
Menu Option | Description |
Expense Claims | Selecting this option would take you a page where you will find staff who have submitted expense claims that require you to approve their claim. |
Vehicles | Takes you to a page where you will find staff who have submitted a vehicle or vehicle documents that require you need to check and approve before they can make mileage claims related to that vehicle. |
Reports | The Reports subsection contains menu options for different reports you can run related to expense claims or vehicles. Just click on the Reports subsection heading to show or hide the menu items underneath. |
Time & Attendance Section
You will see this section where you have been allocated an activity related to approving the type of claims, or requests, listed in the table below.
Menu Option | Description |
Hours Claims | Selecting this option would take you a page where you will find staff who have submitted hours claims that require you to approve their claim. |
Allowance Claims | Selecting this option would take you a page where you will find staff who have submitted allowance claims that require you to approve their claim. |
Timesheets | Selecting this option would take you a page where you will find staff who have submitted timesheets that require you to approve their claim. |
Absences | This option takes you to a page where you can record and monitor staffs' absences. |
Leave Requests | This takes you to a page where you can approve leave requests submitted by staff. Through this page you can check what leave has been taken and the remaining leave entitlement. |
Reports | The Reports subsection contains menu options for a variety of time and attendance reports. Just click on the Reports subsection heading to show or hide the menu items underneath. |
eForms Section
You will see this section where you have been allocated an activity related to completing and approving employment related forms in EASY, such as new appointments. The table below gives a brief description of the menu items, or options, available in the eForms section of the Management menu.
Menu Option | Description |
Appointments | This will take you a page where you can add or approve forms that relate to the appointment of staff. |
Changes | This will take you a page where you can add or approve employment related change forms for staff members. |
Termination | This will take you a page where you can create or approve employment termination forms for staff leaving your organisation. |
Reports | The Reports subsection contains menu options to run eForms reports. Just click on the Reports subsection heading to show or hide the menu items underneath. |
Related Menu
The Related menu will contain options where you have access to the Management menu and your organisation uses more than one of the EASY products. It will contain links to enable you to quickly access the claims, or other, pages in the system for the employee assignment that you are currently looking at.
Reminders Menu
The Reminders menu provides links to a list of actions that require your attention. In the example below, the system is reminding the user that there is an expense claim waiting to be authorised.

For each reminder, the system will also have sent an email to inform you of that outstanding action.
Tasks Menu
When you ask the system to run a report, your request will be moved into the Tasks menu while the system is preparing your report. This enables you to carry on working within the system should you wish, and return to the Tasks menu later to see if your report is complete.
When your report is being processed, the system will update you on its progress. The image below shows that your report has been queued ready to be run by the system.
The following image shows that the report is now complete. By clicking on the green area, this will take you to the report results page where you will find a link to download the report.
Notice Board
The main body of the Home page is used as a notice board that allows your local system support team to bring items to your attention, as shown in the example screenshot below.