This area of the system allows you to manage all aspect of the vehicles that you use in the course of your duties. From here you can choose to add new vehicles or amend existing vehicles. This page also enables you to monitor the validity of your vehicles, i.e. whether the supporting documents are out of date, and the status as the vehicles move through the different stages of the approval process.
The Vehicles Screen
When you select the from the menu you will be presented with the following screen.

As mentioned earlier this screen enables you to do a number of things, and I would like to go through these in more detail.
Adding a New Vehicle
When you have a new vehicle that you will be using in the course of your duties, you will need to add the vehicle and get its use approved. By clicking on the
button you will be taken to the Self Service > Expenses > Vehicles > Add screen where you can enter the vehicle's details and the related documents.Current Vehicles
The first thing you will see when the Vehicles screen opens is the table with your currently active vehicles. For some staff who have more than one job (assignment) with the Trust they may see the same vehicle listed more than once, that is because the vehicle is linked to each assignment separately.
Where a vehicle is no longer used for a particular job (assignment), or the vehicle related documents for that assignment need updating, simply click on the link in Reg. No. column for the assignment.
The Valid Until column shows the date of the document that is due to expire or requires checking next. Where a document is no longer valid the icon will appear next to the date. The
icon will be displayed when a document will become invalid in the near future. The EASY system will normally send you an email one month and one week before a document becomes invalid, although this may vary depending on how the Trust has configured the system.
The Status column indicates the current status of the vehicle linked to an assignment. When a change has been made to the vehicle or related documents then “(change)” will appear in the status column, and the effect of the change will not apply to the vehicle record until the change has been accepted.